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The Launching of a Collaborative Project Involving CSRO (Australia), MARDI and Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) 19 July 1995

 Collection — Container: Gedung 1/F05
Identifier: MYUPM-UNIPERMA-11-105

Scope and Contents

Gambar ini mengenai majlis perasmian projek kerjasama antara CSRO (Australia), MARDI dan Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) pada 19 Julai 1995


  • 1995-07-19


2 Photographic Prints (Envelope) : Prints: 2 Color ; 8.89cm X 12.7cm

Language of Materials


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Repository Details

Part of the MAIN ARCHIVES Repository

Unit Arkib
Bahagian Media, Arkib & Pemuliharaan
Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad, UPM
Serdang Selangor 43400 Malaysia
03-9769 8619